Educational Leadership Uncensored, LLC
MA DESE Professional Development Provider #S2022-0016

Best Practices for Cognitive Engagement
Exploring Harvard's Project Zero Thinking Routines and Disrupt the Unmotivated Learner 5 PDPs
Service Description
- Disrupt the neuropathways that drive motivation. - Develop cognitive engagement best practices to promote self-directed, immersive learning. - Integrate Bloom's taxonomy with the principles of neuroscience. - Explore Harvard University's Project Zero and Thinking Routines. - Advance learning objectives from 'what students know and are able to do' to 'how students think and are able to apply'. - Transform passive students into curious, thoughtful, and intellectually engaged learners. -- Workshop best practices and principles of student-centered learning. Supporting MA standards of effective teaching: II-A-1 High Expectations and Support II-A-2 Engaging Instruction II-A-4 Critical Instruction II-B-4 Student Ownership of Learning
Cancellation Policy
To cancel your booking, please email teresasullivan@edleaderu.com one week before scheduled workshop.
Contact Details
Plimoth Grist Mill, 6 Spring Lane, Plymouth, MA, USA