Educational Leadership Uncensored, LLC
MA DESE Professional Development Provider #S2022-0016

Job Alike Cohorts
Purpose: To support colleagues gain and share valuable knowledge and skills in a three-module cohort format. Adult professional learning is most effective as sustained engagement with peers who can offer insight, exemplars, and wisdom of shared, local, and recent experiences. Participants will learn best practices, apply effective strategies, gain valuable insight, and develop professional relationships with colleagues who share similar roles and responsibilities in other schools and districts.
Format: EdCamp style: Attendees determine specific topics within broad themes. Facilitator will employ proven engaging discussion protocols and provide supporting material to guarantee a powerful professional learning experience.
Fee: Total for 3 full days (8:00 am – 2:00 pm) - $700
Group Rate: Each person over two $100 ~ Group rate applied to school district invoice.
Location: Training Room - Gillis Family Tavern - Plimoth Grist Mill - 6 Spring Lane - Plymouth
PDPs: 20 (Educational Leadership Uncensored, LLC is a registered MA DESE Provider)